Two $1500 scholarships will be awarded to Larkin High School seniors. The application process is outlined below.
Two $1500 scholarships will be awarded to Elgin High School seniors. The application process is outlined below.
Due to the great success of the Elgin Valley Fox Trot in 2023, the Elgin Lions Club is proud to offer the following scholarships for high school seniors at EHS and Larkin for 2024.
$2000 to each school's first chosen recipient
$1000 to each school's second chosen recipient
Because of the continuing success of the Elgin Valley Fox Trot, we expect to continue at least the above awards in 2025
2023 Larkin High school winners Tobi Ileblyi and Yurisy Martinez & 2023 EHS winner Diego Valdivia.
The Elgin Lions Club provides $1000 scholarships to graduating seniors that plan to attend a university, college, or trade school. The criteria includes:
* Community Service
* A personal essay
* Grade Point Average
Again for 2023, there were so many quality applications from Larkin High School Seniors, two were awarded.